As mentioned in my previous post, I've been given the opportunity to write my own brief. My thought process has led me to explore the concept of 'compassion fatigue', a term which describes a lessening of passion over time - concerning the emotional response the general public have to images of war, disease, famine and natural disaster.
The Brief:
The challenge I have set myself aims to convince British people that they live comparatively easy lives in contrast to those suffering as a result of disaster. I have been inspired by recent news stories, in particular the Haiti Earthquake that occurred in January this year. My initial research has led me to the term ‘compassion fatigue’, describing the psychological response many people have to the majority of imaged based charity appeals such as the poverty depiced in comic relief campaigns.
I will create a thought provoking piece that educates, and provokes empathy in members of the target audience.
The objective of the final piece is to emphasise the tragedy of the situations depicted in the media, but ultimately challenge the concept of ‘compassion fatigue’ This idea is of particular concern to me as I feel I am personally a victim of it.
It is important that the solution connects with the audience on an emotional level, I will use comparative language and imagery to emphasise the information mentioned previously.
Project Aims;
- Communicate the concept of ‘compassion fatigue’
- The final outcome should provoke an emotional response in the audience, changing the way in which they view charity campaigns.
Personal Aims:
- Create a visually stimulating solution for exhibition in my portfolio.
- Become aquainted with the work of a wide range of charities.
Research Base;
- Internet Sources
- Newspapers/BBC/Purveyors of world news
- Photographers (Warzone/Natural Disasters)
- Advertising; TV/Print Media
- Charity campaigns