Thursday, 15 April 2010

design for content - the reality

Another insight inspired by my experience in the industry, a new found appreciation for an overlooked aspect of graphic design.

The majority of commercial projects are dictated heavily by content, be it copy or image. The designer must adhere to include sheer volumes of text or produce images in the specific dimensions requested by the client. Developing a sensitivity to inconsistency in such areas has only helped me to understand how to manage content and work to industry standards regarding strict brand guidelines .

An initially frustrating concept after years of just cutting out what doesn’t ‘look right’ and a difficult concept to adjust to - but an incredibly satisfying achievement when you get it right. I can’t recall a single task here at Elevator where I haven’t had to think twice about how to include an unusually long section of copy or marry up an awkwardly cropped image with some ill-fitting client requested type.

Improving my understanding of commercial content management as an undergraduate is something I can say I finally feel satisfied with.